VW Touran manuals

Volkswagen Touran Service Manual: Laws and Regulations

The laws and regulations listed below are applicable in Germany. Different or additional laws and regulations may apply in other countries.
Addresses in other countries can be obtained from the relevant authorities.
The effects of climate change can be seen worldwide. Protecting the climate is one of the most important responsibilities. However, this responsibility presents enormous challenges to all involved.
The Kyoto Protocol outlines worldwide goals regarding climate protection, among other things. In addition to target reductions of carbon dioxide, this protocol also outlines target reductions for fluorinated greenhouse gases such as refrigerant R134a due to their high potential of contributing to the greenhouse effect.
Numerous laws have been created for the automotive industry, for example at the European level. For example, chemical-climate protection regulations were put into effect on August 1, 2008 in Germany in order to define the European legislation in more detail.
Provision (EU) number 1005/2009
Provision (EU) number 2037/2000
Provision (EU) number 517/2014
Provision (EU) number 706/2007
Provision (EU) number 307/2008
Guideline 2006/40/EU
Chemical Climate Protection Regulations, Recycling and Refuse Law (for Germany)
Maintenance and repair work on the A/C system refrigerant circuit
All individuals performing maintenance and repair work on vehicle A/C systems must have completed a training program and be competent in the work required. Other regulations may apply in addition to those of the European Union.
The following general points apply:
Operation, repair, decommissioning, take-back obligation
When operating, repairing and decommissioning items that contain refrigerant, allowing the refrigerant to vent into the air is prohibited.
It is therefore recommended to keep a record of the quantities used during operation and maintenance, so they can be presented to the authorities upon request. A record sheet no longer needs to be kept in the EU due to a provision by the European Parliament in 2005. Other provisions may apply in countries that are not members of the EU.
Distributors of the substances and preparations discussed above are obligated to accept these items back after use or to ensure they are accepted by a third party of their choosing.
Maintenance and decommissioning of items containing refrigerant that are named in the legislation Substances and preparations named in this legislation may only be accepted by those with the necessary expertise and technical equipment.
Criminal offenses and infringements of the law
Infringement of the law in regard to the laws mentioned above. Willfully or negligently venting refrigerant into the air when operating, repairing or decommissioning items that contain refrigerant constitutes a violation of the laws and legislation described above.
Observe the different technical regulations for handling and filling compressed gases in other compressed-gas vessels (for example TRGS 400, TRGS 402, TRGS 407, TRGS 510, TRGS 725, TRBS 3145).
The TRGS (technical regulations for compressed gases) are listed (concerning vehicle manufacturers and workshops) below.
TRGS 400 (hazard assessment for activities with hazardous substances).
TRGS 402 (determining and evaluating the danger of activities with hazardous substances: inhalative Exposition).
TRGS 407 (activities with gasses - hazard assessment).
TRGS 510 (storage of hazardous substances in transportable tanks).
TRBS 3145 / TRGS 725 (transportable tanks - filling, keeping ready, internal transportation, emptying).
The technical regulations for compressed gases (TRG), technical regulations for hazardous substances (TRGS) and the technical regulations for operational safety (TRBS). These provide the laws and regulations, the safety precautions and work hygiene as well as the protected industrial science knowledge for the provision and use of work equipment and the system use subject to special supervision or for the activities with hazardous substances.
The provided technical regulations apply to Germany, in other countries specifications and rules may apply.
Observe the different technical regulations for handling and filling compressed gases in other compressed-gas vessels (for example TRGS 400, TRGS 402, TRGS 407, TRGS 510, TRGS 725, TRBS 3145).
General regulations for charging systems.
Definition of terms and explanatory note.
Build and operation of charging systems.
Charging systems
Does not apply to vehicle manufacturers or workshops.
Charging systems are systems for filling mobile compressed-gas vessels. The charging system includes the premises and facilities concerned.
Charging systems requiring a permit are ones used to transfer compressed gases to mobile compressed-gas vessels for supplying to third parties.
Charging systems not requiring a permit are ones used for transferring compressed gases to mobile compressed-gas vessels for internal use only.
Employees and employee instruction
Employees are to be given instruction on the following topics before beginning work and at regular, appropriate intervals, however at least once a year:
Hazards specifically associated with handling compressed gases
The safety regulations, especially the applicable TRGS and TRBS.
Procedures in the event of malfunction, damage and accidents
The use of fire-extinguishing and protective equipment
Operation and maintenance of the charging system according to the operating instructions.
Charging systems are only to be operated and maintained by personnel
who are 18 years of age and older,
who possess the necessary technical knowledge
who can be relied upon to work diligently.
Supervised work may also be performed by personnel that do not meet the requirements stipulated in item 2.1, points 1 and 2.
Filling of pressure vessels (separate technical regulations apply to vessels from other countries and their charging, that are not mentioned here).
A compressed-gas vessel is only to be filled with the compressed gas declared on it and the quantity must comply with the stipulated pressure, weight or volume data. Refer to pressure vessel regulations.
In the case of vessels approved for use with several types of compressed gas, the compressed gas with which it is to be filled and - if the compressed gas has a tc ≥ -10 C (tc = critical temperature) - the maximum permissible charging weight in line with TRGS must be marked on the vessel prior to connection for filling.
Compressed-gas vessels marked with the maximum permissible charge pressure in bar (psi) at 15 C (59 F) must be filled manometrically. If, at the time of filling, the temperature is not 15 C (59 F), the pressure corresponding to the prevailing temperature must be established; it must be ensured that the permissible charge pressure at 15 C (59 F) is not exceeded in the compressed- gas vessel. The charged vessels are to be checked by way of random pressure measurements to determine possible overfilling.
Compressed-gas vessels on which the maximum permissible capacity is indicated by the net weight (filling weight, permissible weight of fill) in kilograms must be filled gravimetrically. The vessels are to be weighed during filling and subsequently subjected to a weight check on special scales to establish possible overfilling. Scales used for this purpose must be calibrated.
Under certain conditions, gases with a tc greater than or equal to 70 C (158 F) may be transferred volumetrically from compressed-gas vessels with a maximum volume of 150L to compressed-gas vessels with a volume of maximum 1000 cm3. The stipulations of the TRGS apply to the transfer of liquefied gas to cylinders used by workmen.
Different TRGS applies to vessels in vehicles:
  For gas with tk ≥ 70 C (158 F).
  For industrial gas with tk ≥ 70 C (158 F).
  Liquefied extremely low-temperature compressed gases may, contrary to item 4, be filled volumetrically if the charging system and/or the vessels is/are equipped with devices for measuring or limiting the volume of the charge and with the exception of motor vehicle vessels as per item 3 for measuring the temperature of the charge. When filling volumetrically, it must be ensured that the permissible charge weight indicated on the vessel is not exceeded. To determine possible overfilling, the filled containers are to be checked gravimetrically on a calibrated scale or provided that the pressurized gases are not highly toxic volumetrically. Volumetric checking requires the use of appropriate equipment with completely separate charging and checking devices.
Charging and check measurements are to be performed by different people. Check measurements must be performed immediately upon completion of the filling process.
Overfilled vessels must be drained immediately and in a safe manner until the permissible fill is attained. The compressed-gas fill is then to be determined again.
Specific TRGS 407 components do not or only partially apply to vessels for liquefied, extremely low-temperature compressed gases which are neither flammable nor toxic; this does not affect the provisions of road traffic legislation.
When filling compressed gas vessels with liquefied gases at charging temperatures less than or equal to -20 C (-4 F), the compressed gas vessel, if the vessel material has not been tested for temperatures less than or equal to -20 C (-4 F), is not to be released from the charging system for transportation until the vessel wall temperature is greater than or equal to 20 C (68 F).
Refrigerant Circuit, Converting R12 to R134a and Servicing
For environmental reasons and on account of the corresponding legislation, refrigerant R12 can no longer be manufactured or supplied. Refrigerant R134a has been developed as a replacement for R12.
A/C systems developed and designed for refrigerant R12 cannot however simply be charged with refrigerant R134a. To ensure trouble-free operation of the air conditioning system even after conversion, various components of the refrigerant circuit must be replaced.
A precise description of the conversion procedure and information on the servicing of converted refrigerant circuits can be found in Repair Manual: Air Conditioner with Refrigerant R12 Parts 2 and 3. This repair manual is only available in hard copy.
Refrigerant, Keeping Records
The environmental statistics law requires records to be kept on the use of refrigerants.
Consequently, motor vehicle workshops may well have to provide the relevant local authorities with information on their use of refrigerant. It is therefore recommended to keep records of the quantities used and operation and maintenance, so they can be presented to the authorities upon request.
A record sheet no longer needs to be kept in the EU due to a provision by the European Parliament in 2005. Other provisions may apply in countries that are not members of the EU.
Laws and Regulations

Recycling and Disposal Regulations
  Note The laws and regulations listed below are applicable in Germany. Different or additional laws and regulations may apply in other countries. ...

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