VW Touran manuals

Volkswagen Touran Service Manual: Flat Spots

What is a Flat Spot From Standing?
Terms like flat portion, flattening, are also used as a term for flat spots from standing.
Flat spots from standing cause vibration, like an incorrectly balanced wheel. It is important to recognize a flat spot in the tread from standing as such!
Flat spots from standing cannot be corrected by balancing, and can occur again at any time under various circumstances. Flat spots from standing can be corrected without complicated special tools. Providing that the flat spot was not caused by wheel lock during hard braking. Refer to → Chapter "Wear Spots".
Wear spots due to wheel lock are irreparable! Tires with such damage must be replaced.
Causes of Flat Spots from Standing:
The vehicle stands for several weeks in a location without being moved.
Tire pressure is too low.
The vehicle was placed in a paint system drying cabinet after painting.
The vehicle was parked with warm tires in a cold garage or similar for a long time. In this case, a flat spot can develop overnight.
  Correct the flat spots. Refer to → Chapter "Flat Spots, Correcting".
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