VW Touran manuals

Volkswagen Touran Service Manual: Two-Part Thinner

Two-Part Thinner -LVE 009 001 A5-
Two-Part Thinner, Long -LVM 009 300 A2-
Two-Part Thinner, Plus -LHA 014 000 A5-
Two-Part Thinner, Special -LVM 009 200 A2-/-LVM 009 200 A5-
Nitrocellulose Thinner -LVE 856 000 A3-
Edition 04/2013
Product Description
The following section describes the VW thinners that are optimally suited to vehicle paint repairs.
These thinners can be used to alter the viscosity of the base products to achieve the best application under all conditions.
They may not be used for thinning water-based base paints.
Application Instructions
Area of Application
Mixture ratio:
  Refer to the technical application instructions for the respective base components
Thinner Selection
+ + -  Optimum
+ -  Suitable
- -  Partially suitable
- - -  Not suitable
This table gives a general overview of the options for using the thinners listed here. Any additional information in the technical application information for the respective base component should take precedence.
  Two-Part Thinner
Two-Part Thinner Two-Part Thinner -LVE 009 001 A5- Two-Part Thinner, Long -LVM 009 300 A2- Two-Part Thinner, Plus -LHA 014 000 A5- Two-Part Thinner, Special -LVM 009 200 A2-/-LVM 009 200 A5-
Two-Part HS Top Coat + ++* + + +
Two-Part HS Clear Coat** - - - - - - + +
Two-Part Acrylic Primer/Filler + + +* + + + +
Wash Primer + + -* + + + +
* only for temperatures above +25 C (77 F)
** Two-part HS clear coat which is used in a 3:1 mixing ratio with two-part VHS hardeners plus thinner.
Main areas of application and thinner uses
Two-Part Thinner Two-Part Thinner -LVE 009 001 A5- Two-Part Thinner, Long -LVM 009 300 A2- Two-Part Thinner, Plus -LHA 014 000 A5- Two-Part Thinner, Special -LVM 009 200 A2-/-LVM 009 200 A5- Nitrocellulose Thinner -LVE 856 000 A3-
Main area of application Universally usable thinner for all two-part acrylic products The specially designed thinner with viscosity-reducing properties is especially suitable for the two-part HS top coat, two-part acrylic filler. Usable thinner for all two-part acrylic products with drying accelerator A specially designed thinner with viscosity-reducing properties is especially suitable for the two-part HS top coat, two-part acrylic filler and two-part HS clear coat, which are used in a 3:1 ratio with two-part VHS hardeners plus thinner. Equipment cleaner and degreaser
Use For adjusting viscosity of base materials and top coats at low and moderate temperatures For optimizing and improving the paint mist adhesion at spray booth temperatures above +25 C (77 F) and the presence of large surfaced objects at the same time. For adjusting viscosity of base materials and top coats at low and moderate temperatures For adjusting viscosity of base materials and top coats at low and moderate temperatures The EU limit for this product (product category IIB.a) in its ready-to-use form is a maximum of 850 g/L volatile organic compounds. VOC value: 2004/42/IIB(a)(850)840
Characteristics Flashpoint above +23 C (73.4) Flashpoint above +23 C (73.4) Flashpoint above +23 C (73.4) Flashpoint above +23 C (73.4) Flashpoint above +23 C (73.4)
Personal Protective Equipment:
Note the safety data sheets
Wear the personal protective equipment during application
  Two-Part Thinner
All thinners have a guaranteed shelf life of 60 months from date of manufacture. Use no later than the date indicated on the label and store in original container at +20 C (68 F)
  Two-Part Thinner

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