Fig. 185 Tyre tread: wear indicators
Tread depth
Difficult driving situations demand the deepest possible tread depth for the tyres and the same tread depth for the tyres on the front and rear axle. This applies in particular for driving in winter weather and cold temperatures and in wet conditions .
In most countries, the minimum tread depth required by law is 1.6 mm (measured in the tread grooves next to the tread wear indicators). Observe any country-specific legal requirements.
Winter tyres lose their effectiveness when the tread is worn down to a depth of 4 mm.
The tread depth of new tyres can vary according to type and manufacturer due to construction and tread design.
Tread wear indicator in tyres
The original tyres on your vehicle have 1.6 mm high tread wear indicators running across the tread . These wear indicators are positioned at set intervals around the tyre. Markings on the tyre sidewall (for instance the letters TWI or other symbols) indicate the positions of the tread wear indicators.
The tread wear indicators show if a tyre is worn down. The tyre must be replaced at the latest when the tread depth is just before the tread wear indicator.
Volkswagen Touran Owners Manual. Contents of the breakdown set
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First read and observe the introductory information
and safety warnings The breakdown set is located underneath the floor
covering in the luggage compartment. It includes the following components :
Valve insert extractor
Sticker with the maximum permitted ...
Volkswagen Touran Service Manual. Sprayable Sealant
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