First read and observe the introductory information and safety warnings
If locked manually, all doors are locked. If unlocked manually, only the driver door is unlocked. Observe information on the anti-theft alarm .
Things to note when unlocking:
The anti-theft alarm is not activated when the vehicle is locked manually using the key bit .
Volkswagen Touran Owners Manual. Stowage compartments in the variable luggage compartment floor
Fig. 118 Variable luggage
compartment floor: stowage area at the front ① and rear ②
Fig. 119 Variable luggage
compartment floor: securing with the support rod
First read and observe the introductory information
and safety warnings
Ac ...
Volkswagen Touran Service Manual. Bonding Agent
Bonding Agent -LLS MAX 015-, plastic
Edition 10/2012
Product Description
The Bonding Agent -LLS MAX 015- is a universal
single-component bonding agent for all sta ...