VW Touran manuals

Volkswagen Touran Service Manual: Important Information when Working with the A/C Service Station

Volkswagen Touran Service Manual / Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning / A/C Service Station, Working with / Important Information when Working with the A/C Service Station

If it is suspected that chemicals were added to the refrigerant circuit to seal leaks, do not connect the A/C service station and do not extract the refrigerant.
Chemicals that seal leaks in the coolant circuit form deposits that affect the function of the A/C system and lead to failure of the A/C system and the A/C service station.
Inform that customer that there are substances in the A/C system that are no approved by Volkswagen. This A/C system cannot be drained or serviced in the workshop.
The chemical materials (stop leak additive) for sealing leaks in the refrigerant circuit offered on the market are not approved by VW Audi AG. There are no permanent- ,validity or material compatibility tests. Therefore damage or malfunctions in the A/C system or the A/C Service Station cannot be excluded.
The stop leak additives offered on the open market have different physical and chemical properties, which can impair the function of the A/C system and the A/C Service Station and can even shut down the system completely.
VW does not approve the use of chemicals to seal leaks in the refrigerant circuit.
Chemicals used to seal leaks in the refrigerant circuit often react with air and the moisture in it. They cause deposits in the refrigerant circuit and the A/C service station and malfunctions in valves and other components that they come in contact with. These deposits cannot be removed completely from the components.
Chemicals used to seal leaks in the refrigerant circuit usually cannot be detected from outside. The label that should be applied to identify it is often missing. Therefore be careful when working with if you do not know its service history.
Accessories offer containers used to separate out these chemicals (used to seal leaks in the refrigerant circuit). Because VW does not approve the use of these chemicals, there is no evidence of the effectiveness of these filters.
Note the following when operating the A/C service station -VAS6007A-. This also applies to other service stations.
Refer to the Workshop Equipment Catalog.
The filters and dryers installed must be replaced at the latest on completion of the service life specified in the relevant operating instructions.
Only refrigerant oils that are approved for the refrigerant circuit in that vehicle may be added.
Refer to the Parts Catalog.
Extracted refrigerant must not be reused under the following conditions, even after cleaning in the station:
In the case of A/C compressor damage in which the refrigerant was disintegrated due to overheating.
In the case of dark, sticky deposits in the refrigerant circuit (these can only be found after opening the system).
If there is any doubt as to the composition of the refrigerant extracted from the refrigerant circuit.
The A/C service station is to be drained in all these cases. Refer to → Chapter "Discharge Refrigerant Circuit with A/C Service Station", the system cleaned if necessary and the filters, dryers and refrigerant oil replaced.
For example, within Germany, contaminated refrigerant can be returned to the supplier in recycling containers for recycling or for environmentally safe disposal. Other or additional regulations may apply in other countries.
Commercially available A/C service stations can be classified in 2 groups:
A. A/C service stations which clean extracted refrigerant for reuse (extraction and recycling stations) such as the A/C service station -VAS6007A-.
B. A/C service stations which transfer extracted refrigerant to recycling containers (for large-scale recycling). These are referred to as extraction systems.
  Important Information when Working with the A/C Service Station
A/C Service Station, Working with

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  Caution If it is suspected that chemicals were added to the refrigerant circuit to seal leaks, do not connect the ...

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