VW Touran manuals

Volkswagen Touran Owners Manual: Capacities

First read and observe the introductory information and safety warnings

  Fuel tank capacity
Petrol and diesel engines approx. 60.0 l,
of which 7.0 l reserve.
Natural gas engine a) 5+2-seater Natural gas: approx. 18.0 kg of which reserve max. 3.0 kg
Petrol: approx. 11.5 l of which reserve approx. 2.1 l
Natural gas engine a) 5-seater Natural gas: approx. 24.0 kg of which reserve max. 3.5 kg
Petrol: approx. 11.5 l of which reserve approx. 2.1 l

a) The capacity depends on the performance and type of the natural gas refuelling system. The capacities indicated are based on a filling pressure of 200 bar.

Filling the tank with natural gas
Fig. 170 In the driver door: tank flap release button Fig. 171 With the tank flap open: gas filler neck ①, gas filler neck seal ② First read and observe the introductory information and ...

Checks when filling the tank
First read and observe the introductory information and safety warnings  ...

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