VW Touran manuals

Volkswagen Touran Service Manual: 12 V Socket

12 V Socket , Removing and Installing

Using force to remove cigarette lighter sockets without illumination can result in damage to the mounting sleeve retainers.
The Cigarette Lighter Release Tool -T40148- can only be used to remove cigarette lighter sockets with illumination.
The puller is not capable of releasing the retainers on power sockets without illumination.
Sockets without illumination usually cannot be removed without damage.
Cigarette Lighter -U1-, removing and installing. Refer to → Chapter "Cigarette Lighter -U1-".

Socket Illumination Bulb -L42-, Removing and Installing

The Socket Illumination Bulb -L42- is removed in the same manner as the Cigarette Lighter Illumination Bulb -L28-. Refer to → Chapter "Cigarette Lighter Illumination Bulb -L28-, Removing and Installing".
Interior Lights, Switches

Cigarette Lighter -U1-

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